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Registered Psychologist (Singapore)

Full Member


PhD (Health) Candidate & Scholar

Master of Psychology (Clinical)


BA (Hons, Class 1) Psychology

BA Psychology, Minor Sociology



Developed and delivered corporate counselling, training, critical incident management, and consulting across diverse industries.


One of the founding in-house psychologists of the psychological wellness programme at TDCX, an NYSE-listed multinational corporation.


Inpatient and outpatient multidisciplinary management of psychiatric and behavioural health issues at National University Hospital, Institute of Mental Health, and Psych Connect.


Familiar with issues of varying severity, ranging from common life stressors to  cases that require emergency care.


Produced research with the University of Queensland, Yale-NUS College, James Cook University, Institute of Mental Health, and National Healthcare Group Polyclinics.


Lectured and in basic and applied psychology at undergraduate and postgraduate levels for various university programs.

​Professional Appointments


Panellist for Pride Month 2024,
Tata Consultancy Services


Senior Clinical Psychologist,

Corporate Consultant, & Clinical Supervisor

Psych Connect


Former Organising Committee Member,

Clinical Psychology Special Interest Group,

Singapore Psychological Society


Former Visiting Clinical Psychologist,

Institute of Mental Health


Former Sessional Lecturer (Psychology) & Chief Invigilator,

James Cook University


Former Student Representative,

Clinical Psychology Advisory Committee,

James Cook University



Certificate of Recognition

for service under various portfolios,

Singapore Psychological Society (2019, 2021)


Certificate of Appreciation,

Memory Screening Day 2017,

Singapore General Hospital & Duke-NUS Medical School


Psychologists for Peace Award,

Australian Psychological Society, 2014


Dean's Commendation for Academic Excellence,

University of Queensland, 2014


Certificate of Appreciation

Institute of Mental Health, 2014

Selected Bibliography


Low, B. (2024). The emotional aspects of adult ADHD. Singapore Psychologist, 18, 17-22.


Low, B. (2022). Thriving in university. Singapore Psychologist, 12, 13-17.


Low, B. (2022). When is “perfection” the enemy of “excellence”? Singapore Psychologist, 10, 17-20.


Low, B., & Yap-Tan, P. (2022). Countermeasures for health care disruptions during lockdowns. Journal of

Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness, 1-5. doi:10.1017/dmp.2022.7


Low, B. (2021, Aug 4). COVID Chronic Distress Syndrome: A socio-clinical hypothesis [Conference session]. Digital Innovations in Mental Health, London, UK.


Low, B. (2020). Anxiety and its remedies. Singapore Psychologist, 3, 5-10.


Low, B., Lim, K.K., Wong, M.Y., Ooi, S.L., & Yap, C.K. (2019). Influence of change expectancy and recovery processes on depression severity. Australian Journal of Rehabilitation Counselling, 25 (1), 36-44.


Low, B., Lim, K.K., Wong, M.Y., Ooi, S.L., Oades, L.G., & Yap, C.K. (2018). Stages of recovery from depression in relation to clinical outcomes and consumer recovery processes. International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health, 6 (3), 910-919.


Soon, J., Low, B., Lim, K.K., Ooi, S.L., Wong, M.Y., Yap, C.K., & Mah, S.C. (2018). Illness identity of patients with depressive symptoms in primary care. Singapore Health and Biomedical Congress 2018.


Soon, J., Low, B., Lim, K.K., Yap, C.K., & Wong, M.Y. (2017). Patient-defined recovery from depression in primary care in Singapore. Singapore Health and Biomedical Congress 2017.


Low, B., Vijayakumar, K.M., … & Liu, J.C.J. (2015). Exploring the relation between oxytocin receptor gene polymorphisms and eating behavior. Society for Neuroscience – 45th Annual Conference.


Low, B., & Hornsey, M.J. (2015) Being 'here first'​ Determines 'what's fair' for immigrants: The Autochthony Orientations Model. Australian Psychological Society, 50th Annual Conference.

© Benjamin Low

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